Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Unreliable as a Plumber...

Went down to Frankston this morning, to have the drivers window of the XT re-tinted, due to a blemish that has been there since the car was new... Been down there 2-3 times, but never rang through before prior to heading down, so this time they were actually able to replace the tint... I'm deadset impressed with all the auto trading guys in the vicinity of Cambur Motors. I was told at 10, that the car woul dbe ready at 11.00, and it was ready at 10.50... :-)

Had to get home for 13.00, as the plumber is supposed to be coming to unblock the kitchen drains, and at 14.36, there is still no plumber, and if I could find him in the phone book, I could ring the bastard, to find out where the fuck he is!!!

1 comment:

Lauz said...

Language shorty, language!
never heard you speak like that before... wait maybe i have-stuff it then