Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Which Potter are You??

Given the new Harry Potter is starting this Thursday, this is quite an appropriate page to take a squiz at!
I turned out to be Harry :-)
Thanks to Laura for having this on her Blog

Monday, November 14, 2005

MP3 Players...

I've been looking into MP3 players of late. The trip to Japan sparked my interest in getting one for myself, and given I'm walking, cycling or running every day now, an MP3 player would definitely be an improvement over the walkman...

When I was in Japan, I looked at the 4GB Apple iPod Nano, which was about $320 AUD, with the exchange rate at the time. The thing that held me back on the Nano, was the lack of radio.

Since I've been back, I've done a little web research, into flash based MP3 players, and thus far, I've discovered the Viodio 512 MB unit, that is available from Strathfield Car Radio, for about $230 (on sale for the opening of the Fountain Gate store), and the I-Bead 400, which seems a bit more universal as it plays multiple formats, including MP3, WMA,
ASF, and OGG... WMA may be handy, as the output quality seems pretty reasonable for a file quite a bit smaller than an equivalent MP3. The I-Bead I've not been able to find in a Bricks and Mortar store, but www.mp4store.com.au have it for $309, as well as the I-Bead 170, which I think is the poorer cousin of the two...

All 3 have a Lithium polymer battery, so it's dilemna time!!! Do I need 1 GB, or is 512 enough?